Navigate to the Payroll menu and click Run Payroll.
Choose between manual entry or uploading a CSV
You can enter payments to your employees using the Request user interface or by filling in and uploading a CSV template.
If you have less than 10 payments to make or need to set up fiat payments, we recommend using the interface. Otherwise, using a CSV will be quicker.
Note that uploading a CSV will reset the list of existing payments.
Manual entry
Click on Add Payment;
1. Enter your employee's data
Select an employee who should be part of this payroll. If you have never added employees to Request Finance, you can do this in this step, too.
Adding a wallet address or bank account to an employee
If your employee wants to receive cryptocurrency: provide the wallet address to pay in cryptocurrency (e.g. USDC), while your employee also receives cryptocurrency (e.g. USDC).
If your employee wants to receive fiat: provide the bank account of your employee to pay in cryptocurrency (e.g. USDC) while your employee receives fiat (e.g. EUR), using our Crypto-to-Fiat solution.
2. Enter how your employee is paid
Denomination Currency: Select the currency the payment should be denominated in. The denomination currency is the currency that's on the agreement or contract of your employee.
Currency & Network: If your employee wants to be paid in cryptocurrency, you can select the currency and network to pay them here.
For instance, if you agreed to pay USD 5,000.00 to your employee every month and you want to pay in USDC, then the denomination currency is USD, and the payment currency is USDC.
3. Enter how much your employee is paid
Add how much your employee is paid. Optionally you can also add a reference that will show up on your employee's payslip.
You can add multiple items to the payslip. You can even add negative amounts to indicate any deductibles, like taxes or social contributions.
4. Add the payment
Click Add to add the payment. Rinse and repeat for any additional payments you want to add to the payroll.
Uploading payroll via CSV
Click on Add by CSV Upload;
1. Get the template
Next, get your template here to be able to start preparing the CSV file.
2. Fill in the CSV
You need to fill in the template. Refer to the table below to understand what you can add to each payment.
You can upload up to 200 payments, so do not fill in more than that per CSV. If you have to upload more than 200, split the CSV into multiple files.
Field Name | Description | Required / Optional |
Email Address of Employee | Your employee's email. Payment notifications will be sent to this address. | Required |
Payment Address of Employee | The wallet address of your employee. | Required |
Amount | The amount in denomination currency. | Required |
Denomination Currency | The currency to label the salary in, e.g., USD. | Required |
Payment Chain | The network you want to pay on, e.g., Ethereum. | Required |
Payment Currency | The currency you want to pay in, e.g., DAI. | Required |
Reason | A free-text reference that will be displayed to the employee on the Payslip. | Optional |
First Name | The first name of your employee. | Optional |
Last Name | The last name of your employee. | Optional |
Department | The department/team of your employee. | Optional |
Job Title | The job title of your employee. | Optional |
Note | An extra free-text field to add a note that will be displayed to your employee. | Optional |
Networks need to be added so our system can read them. You can find a reference of the supported networks here and how they have to be written.
3. Upload the CSV
Finally, drag and drop the CSV into the dropzone to upload. Request will read the CSV and populate the form with your payments.
Review your payments
Once done, you can review your payments. To edit or delete a payment, simply hover over it.
Pay now or save for later
Once you finalized your payroll, you can choose to Pay Now or to Save for Later.
Pay Now: you will go through the payment flow. Your payroll will also be saved, and all your payments will be listed the next time you click "Run Payroll".
Save for Later: your payroll will be saved, and all your payments will be listed the next time you click "Run Payroll".